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Director  Anna Korzh

Cameraman  Witold Yavdoschuk

Art director  Diana Rutetsa

Soundman  Sergey Bylanyuk



In my scenography I wanted to recreate the atmosphere of a world,

where everybody is spied, followed by the eye of

Big Brother.

In sake to achieve this effect, I used the principle of the banner mesh.

Banner grid as an integral part of ubiquitous phenomena of advertisment. 

I placed this grid on a simple moving structure design that can be easily transformed and changed on the stage space.

The image is printed, drawn and projected from the front side. 

There are moments when viewer can realize the existence of people behind the wall only if peticular light is turned on.

On stage I create images of the gray mass and the “different”.


Portrait of Big Brother is not simply just an image of a man. As a source of pressure it consists of thousands people:

you can worship him, you can hate him, you can adore him and etc.

Red color in the scene is also not by chance, it symbolizes fear and hatred from the Party and Big Brother,

which originates in the heart of Smith.

Set design consists of three spaces:

1) space Doctor (hospital room)

2) boys space( drawings space, space of boys dreams )

3) mystical space.

These spaces are converted into each other during  play

     Stage design for play

                              "Keep the Aspidistra Flying"   

                                   written by  George Orwell 

                "Miss Julie "

by August Strindberg Johan

Director  Sergey Korniyenko

SoundmanVladimir Zakharenkov

Art directorDaniel Kolot    Diana Rutetska


Director - Tatiana Ro
Operator - Dima Kit
Operator stedikamu - Victor Lazutin
Artist - Diana Rutetska
Sound - Natalie Litwin

          Stage design for play

 "The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark"            written by William Shakespeare


Director - Tatiana Ro

Operator -

Artist - Diana Rutetska

Sound -

 Stage design for play " Animal farm"   

   written by George Orwell

Puppet play to tale " KOLOBOK"

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